What’s making my air conditioning smell?

When you turn on your air con, you want to enjoy the comfort of cool fresh air. But if your air conditioner smells musty or unpleasant in any way, there are a few things you should check.
01: Is the Air Filter Clogged?
Probably the most common culprit is a clogged filter. Over time and use your air con sucks in dust, dirt and other airborne particles. The filter’s job is to catch these nasties before they enter the system – if you leave the build-up for too long, it can result in a smell like the odour of bad feet. This is more common in portable units, but it can occur in other types of system so get the filter checked out.
02: Humidity Problem?
We all know that air conditioning cools our homes and offices, but it also dehumidifies as well. To make this happen, it needs to remove both heat and moisture from the air. If the air conditioner you’ve installed is too large for the room, it will cool but not adequately dehumidify, and when this happens, you’ll expose your system to excess moisture; promoting the growth of mould and mildew causing a nasty smell.
03: Refrigerant Leak
Unlikely but possible. If you encounter fumes that smell gas like or particularly strong emanating from your air con you may have a leak. Turn off your system immediately and have it checked out as soon as possible by a professional to avoid further damage. The system will need repairing and refrigerant added.
04: Something’s in there that shouldn’t be!
If your system is installed by a professional, this is almost an impossibility but if you’re subjected to a particularly foul odour that you can’t pinpoint the source of, check your air conditioner for the presence for a small animal or large insect that’s got in and died. Like we say, highly unlikely but it has happened…
If the problem persists or becomes or your the air conditioner smells become overbearing, give us a call. We’re only too happy to help.
Picture by Meredith Hunter – Unsplash